

Church Social Brownies

A few weeks ago, we traveled to North Carolina to say our goodbyes to Steve’s paternal grandmother, Jane. The whole family gathered for her funeral in the small community of Burnsville, North Carolina, deep in the Appalachian mountains. I always loved visiting that beautiful and strange (for me) place. As someone who grew up surrounded Read More


Chocolate Muffins

Ahh, simple. We’re all fans of “instant” recipes that taste amazing. Something you can whip up quickly but still has a wow factor. This is definitely one of those, courtesy of a B&B where Hubs and I stayed near Hershey, Pennsylvania, while my parents kindly kept the kids for a few so we could have a nice getaway.


Today is Valentine’s Day. Steve and I get to celebrate it by going to a fertility specialist. Yay. Well, despite that minor setback to the overall V-day romantic mood, we’re making the best of it. We still get to spend the whole day together, since the appointment is in Indy, and we’re going to Seasons Read More